Posts Tagged ‘linux’

einstein quote

I am currently developing an Android application that will display a quote everyday. I need alot of quotes, so i have been searching for a database of Famous or Historical quotes for quite a while when i just decided to create my own, here i will explain how you can make your own Database File of Quotes using Linux, Bash Script combined with WGET and sed.


There are 2 ways to install or update NVIDIA drives, automatically, that not always work, and manually.

Automatic Method

The automatic way is based on repositories and apt-get: (more…)

Pues eso , este programa, WinToFlash, permite pasar el instalador de windows (tanto desde imagen como desde dvd) a una memoria flash usb, creando el sector de arranque para que podamos arrancar e instalar windows desde el usb.

Se me olvidaba, y su version correspondiente para instalar linux en USB: